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Appeals of Academic Standing Committee recommendations are heard by internal school tribunals and do not constitute legal proceedings. They are internal to the school and governed by the policies and procedures of Adler Graduate Professional School.

In case students wish to appeal a decision of their program Dean or Director regarding a matter that has been considered by the Academic Standing Committee, the appeal must be presented in writing to the VP Programming and should include:

  • The rationale for the appeal, including reasons for dissatisfaction with any decision and an explanation of why the student believes the ASC decided in error.
  • a clear statement of the hoped-for outcome.

The VP Programming will consider the appeal and, in consultation with the CEO, Dean or Director, and legal counsel, will determine if there is merit to the appeal. An appeal can only be granted on the basis that the ASC decided in error.

A student appeal is heard by a second Academic Standing Committee, with members who were not involved in the original process. 

In the case of appeals of a decision of the Research Ethics Board (REB), please follow the procedures outlined in the Research Ethics Board Policy.

Sanctions During an Appeal

Any sanctions imposed related to the original complaint or grievance may be continued until the resolution of the appeal process, with the same stipulations. Please see the section on Interim Sanctions for information on the requirements for an Interim Sanction to be applied.

The Student Appeals process decision is final.

An Academic Standing Committee (ASC) is not a legal proceeding. It is an internal academic tribunal governed by the policies and procedures of Adler Graduate Professional School.