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Complaint Process for Discrimination and Harassment

An employee or student who wishes to pursue a concern arising from alleged discrimination, harassment, or other unwarranted treatment may submit a complaint in accordance with the AGPS Complaints Process. 

This process should be used in the following circumstances.

  • To report that you have been discriminated against or been harassed by a member of the AGPS Community (staff, faculty, or students).
    • See below for a definition of discrimination, harassment, or sexual harassment.
  • An Academic Conduct Report, Academic Performance Report, or an Academic Appeal has been determined to involve discrimination or harassment.

A person receiving an Academic Report or referral will consult with the VP Programming or the CEO’s designate to determine if a case falls within the scope of the Discrimination and Harassment Policy.


These responsibilities apply to all members of the Adler Graduate Professional School community.

  • Recognise that diversity, equity, and inclusion are part of the philosophical foundation of AGPS.
  • Be courteous, respectful, and measured when engaging in dialogue with other members of the AGPS community.
  • Be familiar with this policy, promote the policy, and participate in education and awareness programs related to this policy.
  • Take every opportunity to prevent discriminatory and harassing behaviour and, when safe to do so, tell perpetrators of unwelcome speech or actions to desist from this behaviour. 
  • Notify the relevant authorities in a timely manner of complaints under this policy, following the complaint filing protocols outlined in this policy.
  • When an investigation is instituted under this policy, cooperate fully.
  • Respect the right of every member of the AGPS community to complain under this policy, and do not threaten, intimidate, or retaliate against another member of the community for exercising this right.
  • Exercise rights under this policy honestly and in good faith.
  • Meet such performance commitments and standards as may be set from time to time with respect to the prevention of discrimination and harassment and the promotion of this policy.

Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

Student Support

Students wishing to make a formal Complaint of discrimination or harassment may contact either the VP Programming or Student Liaison for support around issues of discrimination and harassment, policy or procedure. This is not a required step, and students can file a report directly if they choose to do so. 

VP Programming – Annette Smith,

Student Liaison – Fiona Haldane,


An informal report regarding an event or a behaviour that was unwanted and might constitute discrimination or harassment made to a member of faculty or the staff. The school cannot act on a disclosure unless the individual makes a formal complaint.
A person appointed by the CEO’s Designate to investigate the circumstances surrounding a complaint. Depending on the nature of the complaint, this person may be internal or external to the school to avoid any perception of conflict of interest.
CEO’s Designate for Discrimination and Harassment Complaints (CDDH)
This is the person designated by the CEO to receive formal complaints related to discrimination and harassment, currently Human Resources
  • Tannis Maynard Langedijk
  • Evert Akkerman
Mediator – Internal 
An impartial member of the AGPS faculty or administration who is able to meet with the complainant and respondent, either together or separately, to guide them to a settlement before the case is referred to an external adjudicator.
Mediator – External
A person external to the school who is appointed to guide the complainant and respondent to a settlement. This person will have training and experience in mediation. 
The person the complainant is alleging has breached the Discrimination and Harassment Policy.
Relevant Legislation in Ontario
This policy and the AGPS Discrimination and Harassment Policy are based on the following pieces of Ontario Legislation
  • Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19
  • Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 32
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1
  • Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 36, Sched.
  • Bill 26, Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022