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Graduation & Convocation

The Master of Psychology degree program is a professional program, and students can graduate at any time of year once they have completed all the requirements of their program. When a student has completed those requirements, the Registrar will recommend them to the members of the Faculty of Psychology for graduation at a Faculty Meeting. The members of the Faculty of Psychology will review the academic record of the student. If they feel the student has successfully completed the program, they will confer the degree on the student.

Successful degree candidates are considered graduates upon receipt of a letter from the Registrar stating that the Faculty of Psychology has recommended conferral of the degree or certificate. The date of graduation is the date the degree has been conferred by the Faculty of Psychology, as confirmed by the Registrar’s letter.

Doctor of Psychology students graduate at the Convocation for their program. Students who have completed all their degree requirements but have not graduated can request a transcript showing they have met and completed all degree requirements.


Each Spring, a Convocation is held to celebrate the graduation of students from all ADLER degree programs.