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Student Protection

Applies to all Degree Programs

Student Protection of the considerable investment that you, the student, make in postgraduate education is a paramount consideration for the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities in deciding whether to grant consent to any institution to offer a degree program. Your rights relating to tuition fee refunds and claims against ADLER’s Trust Fund or Security are set forth in the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000 and associated regulations. As a consent-holder, ADLER’s policies conform to all Ministry requirements:

  • Tuition fee refunds: For details of your rights regarding tuition fee refunds, see the section on Withdrawals, Dismissals, and Refunds above or in the Academic Calendar.
  • Trust Fund: ADLER may collect no more than one year’s tuition from any student and in fact normally collects tuition for a maximum of one trimester (four months). Seventy-five percent of your tuition payment is deposited into a trust fund held by a major financial institution. ADLER has access to these funds only after earning them; that is, only after you have completed the hours of the course covered by your tuition.
  • Security Bond: In addition to limiting access to tuition you have paid but ADLER has not earned, ADLER has provided a performance bond of $321,000 as security for your tuition fees, also held by a major financial institution and payable to the Crown in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister. This bond is meant to guarantee that you may complete your program of study should ADLER be unable otherwise to provide for completion. Please note that you will be required to present a signed copy of your Registration Agreement to the Ministry in the event that you wish to make a claim against this security.
  • Availability of Transcripts: As part of its consent requirements, ADLER has assured the Minister that it has mechanisms in place to make transcripts available to you for 75 years following your enrolment in an ADLER degree program. In order to ensure the availability of your records in the event of institutional closure, ADLER has signed an agreement with the Ontario Association of Career Colleges (OACC—155 Lynden Road, Unit 2, P.O. Box 340, Brantford, ON N3T 5N3), an organization that specializes in transcript storage and issuance. The agreement stipulates that all student records will be transferred to OACC if ADLER can no longer make them available to students and that they will be available for the 75 years required by the Ministry.
  • Provision of supplies: ADLER further complies with the Ministry’s requirement that you be provided with any school-supplied materials, supplies, or textbooks immediately upon receipt of payment for those materials, supplies, or textbooks.