About Us
ADLER is a graduate professional school offering a variety of academic programs which prepare students to provide services in the areas of mental health and wellbeing. Our graduates pursue careers in psychology (clinical and counselling psychology), professional coaching, psychotherapy, and mental health counselling.
Built on Adlerian values of mutual respect and collaboration, ADLER continues a 40-year tradition of Adlerian education and training in Ontario.
Unique amongst private educational institutions, we offer a professional Master of Psychology* degree and Doctor of Psychology** degree, making ours the only such degrees in Ontario. For students who do not possess a traditional undergraduate honours in psychology, ADLER offers a Transitional Equivalency Program. This program provides an academic bridge to fulfil the mandatory undergraduate requirements of the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO).
The ADLER approach features a highly individualized path tailored specifically for each student. We have cohort options that are scheduled on weekdays, weekends and evenings, making them truly accessible to students with all levels of personal or work commitments.
Students applying to our degree programs are supported throughout the application process, working with the Director of Admissions and the Student Services Team.
ADLER values the fact that students represent a range of diverse backgrounds. To that end, we don’t only focus on grades; we look at the applicant holistically and assess what they bring to ensure their success in the program.
*This program is offered under the written consent of the Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities for the period from November 8, 2023 to November 7, 2028. The MPsy program has submitted an application for consent renewal. To ensure continuity of operations, ministerial consent for programs offered at public or private degree-granting organizations is automatically extended during the course of consent renewals. Prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs (e.g., acceptable to potential employers, professional licensing bodies or other educational institutions).
**This program is offered under the written consent of the Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities for the period from December 15, 2021 to December 15, 2027. Prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs (e.g., acceptable to potential employers, professional licensing bodies or other educational institutions).
ADLER was formed with the express purpose of offering degrees and other advanced professional education in the mental health and wellbeing professions to students from Ontario and around the world. Adlerian graduate-level professional education has been a presence in Ontario since 1978. When the Ontario government enacted the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000, members of the ADLER community recognized the opportunity, for the first time in Ontario, to establish an independent degree-granting graduate professional institution that could meet the professional needs of Ontario students. Although it is an independent organization, ADLER maintains collegial relations with other Adlerian institutions such as Adler Graduate School in Minnesota and Adler University in Chicago and Vancouver.
Although ADLER’s educational orientation is rooted in Adlerian philosophy, all major approaches and theories that contribute to mental health and well-being are represented in ADLER Curricula. Our experience and professional expertise suggest that a firm grounding in a broad-based theory, such as Adlerian Philosophy, provides a foundation for developing high-level cognitive and emotional capacity for comparing and evaluating other theories.
ADLER bases its philosophical assumptions, Core Values and Curriculum Guiding Principles on IndividualPsychology, a comprehensive science-of-living system originated and developed by the well-known Austrian psychiatrist, Alfred Adler (1870-1937) who promoted basic values of community and social justice.
The science of the mind can only have for its proper goal the understanding of human nature by every human being, and through its use, brings peace to every human soul.
–Alfred Adler, 1870-1937
Our Stylized ‘A’ logo is the Greek sign for Delta, symbolizing positive change. Each side of the triangle represents one of our three focus areas; Psychology and Psychotherapy, Coaching and Leadership, and Continuing Education and Community Service. All three areas of focus have a similar aim: to help people move towards positive change.
Our mission |
Our values |
Our goals |
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Our mission is to practice what we teach…in all our relations…. | ADLER supports the right of everyone to live free of oppression and deprivation. What we want for ourselves, we want for all. | Our academic goal is to utilize humanistic and evidence-based principles of change… to empower ourselves and others in our families, communities, and the world by transforming Teaching into learning Careers into callings, Theory into practice and vice-versa. |
Individual Psychology, or Adlerian Psychology, emphasizes the uniqueness of every individual and stresses the individual’s social embeddedness. At the core of the School’s approach to mental health and well-being, and to training professionals in these fields is a philosophical assumption about the dynamics of being human that draws on the work of Adler.
We are all caught in a paradoxical tension between being ourselves, the centre and creator of our own phenomenological universe, and fulfilling the demands of a social community without which we cannot survive. On the one hand, we are all unique human beings with a strong need and desire to express ourselves fully in our life and work. On the other hand, we are subjected to pushes and pulls in a web of relationships as a member of multiple systems and an irretrievable part of humanity. Our creativity in resolving this seeming paradox between self-expression and embeddedness determines, to a significant extent, our level of success and fulfillment and, according to Adler, our mental health. The key to resolving the paradox lies in using our unique selves to make a contribution to and with others. Adler calls this key ‘social interest.’
Our goal at ADLER is to develop professionals whose work will be thoroughly grounded in the intention to help clients creatively resolve and transcend this paradox between self-expression and embeddedness – that is, to develop social interest. Even when that work is narrowly focused on a specific issue or area, we believe that operating from such a higher-level intention will enhance both healing and possibilities for growth and development.
ADLER’s collegial environment means students form a collaborative community with their professors. Our teaching faculty are all practitioners who bring real-life experience into the classroom as well as the mutually respectful learning process that characterizes the ADLER educational philosophy. Mentorship is provided by every instructor, and students are expected to become reflective scholar-practitioners. This process requires a safe and supportive context, one in which our students’ strengths and capabilities are acknowledged and nurtured.
In my experiences with both the Transitional Equivalency and Master of Psychology programs, I have found the faculty at ADLER to be warm, engaging, and always willing to help. Returning to school after several years in the professional field was a challenge, as was getting my head around student life! From the first phone call, I made to the school I have encountered people who have helped me make the transition a seamless one. My professors have been engaging and passionate about their own work, which translates into their work in the classroom and in turn enhanced my excitement to enter the field of psychology. Adlerian philosophy embraces community and learning, which is inherently apparent the moment you walk through the doors of ADLER.
Cydney Lebovitz — MPsy Graduate 2015, Current PsyD Student
AGPS gives more than just an excellent masters program delivered by highly qualified practising professionals and experts. It offers a diversity of approaches and programs that makes the experience there feel tailor-made. The balance of academic excellence and practical skills built my confidence, while the environment of collaboration and mutual respect from all faculty ensured that I felt supported throughout and beyond the program. I was almost sorry to leave!
Sarah Hallett MPsy Graduate 2015, Current PsyD Student
Chantal Hollander
Chief Executive Officer
Annette Smith
VP Student & Alumni Engagement
Fiona Haldane
Director of Admissions & Student Liaison
Carol Thorogood
VP Operations & Bursar
Camille Labelle
VP of Student Recruitment
Norma Cortes
Organizational Relationship Director
Tannis Maynard-Langedijk
Accounting Officer & HR Support
Michael Smith
IT Manager
Keisha Bond
Associate Director of Programming
Shazmah Zain
Practicum Coordinator
Sandra Giordano
Student Services Coordinator – Admissions Associate
Ruth Stewart
Xiaohan Mei
Associate Registrar
Anejah Jayarajah
Student Support Coordinator
Caroline Molina
Faculty Support Coordinator
Evert Akkerman
HR Director
Adler Graduate Professional School Incorporated is a social enterprise governed by our board of directors.
James R. Little, M.Ed., M.A., C. Psych., Psy.D; Board Chair | James Essex, CPA – CFO | Chantal Hollander, MGM – CEO |
Camille Labelle, Director of Recruitment | Arun Channan, MASC, MBA | Bob Goulais, President & Senior Principal Nbisiing Consulting Inc. |
Malika Hollander, ParaLeg |
Linda J. Page, PhD |
Ade Idemudia |
In collaboration with ADLER Mental Health Services Centre, advanced ADLER students provide psychological, psychotherapy, and life coaching services to the community. Practicum students provide testing, psychotherapy, referral, coaching, and consulting services, as appropriate to their qualifications, to community-based or organizational clients under the supervision of a qualified professional faculty member. Clients may be self-referred or referred by agencies or by health care or social services practitioners.
The Centre is also currently providing Psychoeducational Assessments for Children, Adolescents and Adults.
For more information or to book an appointment call 647-954-9660 or email centre@adler.ca